The ugly truth about housing here .


First of all I need to let You know one my Dear Reader . Before i moved to Ireland i  never  had have to rent a room . 

It was exactly in opposite . We were renting rooms in my family house . Well .My parents were not managing well with 5 kids. Honestly it was a miracle happened that they built this house . Well however our living conditions were not on the high standard but anyway it was spacious enough . But this is another story .

So draw  from daughter of the owners to tenant was  such  interesting. As i mentioned we didn't know about deposit which was requested to pay . It wasn't something  what  we were practicing in Poland that time . It has been changed over there after joining to  EU . 

But we didn't have any idea ,any clue . Both we were adults still living with parents what was a shame . It was a very important reason why we came to Ireland :

To gain our autonomy . I must admit that I'm so grateful that i did't become a homeless and it wasn't even a one night without a roof over during over 16 years of my living here. 

So let me share how it is in fact over here when You still don't have anything  on Your own . What I must notice in Ireland housing is based more on renting . I guess because of that houses owners are called landlords 

My tale is begin from 

41 Hughes Mills Apartment 

My first place in Ireland .


It was a lovely building ;complex of apartments made from a stones beautifully located over the river . It was so impressive . That's really a big place with laundry and internet cafe and fitness club on the basement level .So a lot of space .What about our standard well . We had provided whatever is essential for a living . Walls would be painted at least ,to be honest . Anyway it was something what i had been used to . So i wasn't shocked . We had a very large living room with old fashioned couches in number of three .In fact we could run around .Bedrooms were located upstairs with shared bathroom .I think this is always the most firing point in every place where You share accommodation. But it was an option for somebody who preferred to have own bathroom downstairs . It was just a smaller size . During my staying there i have been changing my room a few times .All was depending from current situation . And by this about one and half year time,it  happened a lot . 

For the first three weeks i was not officially living there .So basically I must been hidden and use all facilities very carefully . For a most parts of my days i was staying outdoor and waiting until Jola will call me and allow come in . 

I got a possibility to take  a room for my own in cause that one of tenants left. As i had got my first job i could make this decision about staying in Ireland ,in Clonmel and Hughes Mills too . 

Well .It would be better to move somewhere else but i can't change it now . 

I thought that maybe Jola needs me anyway for some chance . I was so wrong . 

What was a good news we were not obligated to rent a whole apartment ; everyone was paying just  for a room only .What was a bad news ;agency was sending anyone they got . It was nothing to do about .

For a first six months they haven' found anybody so we were happy just with Jola. 

Hey.Wait a min .She wasn't happy at whole .  And she decided spread her unhappiness on me ,what was putting me down and made me thinking negatively about our life here ,about people's mindset ,food ,culture and i was  simply homesick . 

It was a dark chapter of this story . Don't worry it was more funny later . I'm not exaggerate .

She began save money badly  Lights were off or eventually not strong that much . 

Darkness were around . We were watching out spends .I was informed about any promotions going  on around . We emigrants usually focus on our goals .One of my old friend who lives in UK advised  vacation perception and  see my living there like a camp. . 

My family and friends in Poland live in better accommodation's standard . 

And housing  is one of the biggest problem  here. This is unbelievable and shame  how much landlords can ask for something what is just simple rubbish 

You cant even imagine . But whenever we go visit we must unsure our dear families and friends that we are   living here just like in paradise . They think that money is growing on the tree  just  simply like that . But hey.Many of us like impress them and act a rich guys wow ; that is just  show off , but in fact  they are living in basement and searching a reductions in the evenings in supermarkets .That's our high life reality . 

Because Islands were not destroyed during a war we still have old buildings around with Georgian Architecture . Isolation is very poor and maybe winters are not strong ,but very windy . If You are lucky then You have central heating ,but  in mostly  places everything is on electricity power . Heating is not good enough when temperature drops below zero . And this can happen quite often in winter time . 

I wanted to live in the big city perhaps Clonmel wasn't such an interesting place for a longer for a crazy Polish city girl . 

In that time You could double  rent cost ,so was so expensive . Was such difficult to find anything in comprehensive renting value .Later on became so hard to get a job as we experienced a big economy recession ,but it had impact in whole the World . 

What happened for me, i  had got a  good job in Clonmel again  when i tried  move to Dublin  the first time ,so whole our stuff which we brought to Dublin went back to Clonmel for another year . 

After another nice but boring time during i did night shelves stocking in Tesco it was another impulse to do second  trial .Plan was apply for transfer to Tesco in Dublin but after a few weeks of sleeping after my night job experience i decided ask for my P -45  and start search another job . 

My first night in the new flat was like a nightmare . It was such disgusting , terribly dirty after a Pakistani guys living there before .I could find cigarette beats on the carpet , refrigerator was not for use for me perhaps too dirty to keep any food in that moment . Shower basement looked like damaged , but there were stains not cleaned up from a years . By the way .I overlooked damps on the wall and sealing in bathroom .Maybe just bedroom looked acceptable in that place .

It took a days for me to improve and make it possible to live there . 

Obviously i made it cosy ,;well at least able to live in . 

What was a big inconvenience in that place it has been fact that we didn't have a washing machine . So it was a big operation every week  perhaps we must to go to our laundry to the local laundrette  . Usually it was taking a afternoon what was making exhausted .

What is some kind of fenomen that I have found a job very close from our living place and in fact I'm still working there and also  I still like live in Dublin 6. Well .It was just episode which happened for a one and half year ,when I had to find any emergency accommodation in fact that i faced a massive crisis which came a few years ago and we don't see it over even though pandemic time .But i went a much ahead .

Back to the my first place after a many washing sessions  at public laundrette and some arguments about painting which just was needed to do so i decided find something better . 

Atmosphere became more friendly for this decision perhaps celtic tiger got in trouble and became a baunkrupt . Before jobs were available but rent coast high but when economy collapsed rent also dropped . Actually Dublin is under so many construction projects still in progress .Is the same like with pandemic ; never ending story,perhaps after recovery accommodation became crazily expensive,what our lovely government is not really in power to fix . It seems like ,and we ordinary people still don't see fruits of so many investments which have been done around .If I guess correctly even after it will be done that's going be standard just for a rich but not for working class. 


But that time was much friendly for people who eventually wanted to make Dublin their city . 

I had landlords asking about any friends who would love to take a studio flat even with central  heating .

So it was  a good occasion to change for something else . 

We choose 2 floor one bed apartment in cool location still during renovation .

Well . I don't believe that i have done something crazy like that again . No .You don't have any idea what it means . 

Maybe just start work in shop before opening can be something more mad than to decide move in to the place which You don't know how in fact will be look like . I don't need even mention here about this domestic job . To get over all this painting and other mess is taking a few day normally . I really don't have idea how was possible set double bed in the bedroom on the top floor . I must adore this kind of master piece .Anyway like used to i was able to  figure out with whole this stuff .



But hold on . I have more stories ready to tell......... 


Single or sharing .


This is always major aspect of living abroad ;share or not to share .

I  would say that sweet studio flat is always a better option . Obviously You suppose to make Your place sweet otherwise don't count that landlord  will do it for You , even if is obliged to do it so . I think i  have developed  this unique skill to the master level . That is my magic ;great ability change  and transfer  awful hub into a such lovely place . 

I was used to in Poland so what is a matter . In the same way we can be surprised when we see a five or seven of Brazilian living in one room . And impressively they are happy . What is a difference with how many do You share . Well  . For someone like me this is a massive deal . 

But i went ahead with this story . We have got Brazilian flood later on . 

Let's back to my new place in South Richmond Street . OK . It was fresh after renovation ; one bed but two floors absolutely cool idea . Finally i had my own washing machine and didn't hear this noise which my lovely neighbours made during the nights consistently on party . And hey . They just were starting at two or three am . They were relative of owner so they thought that they can do whatever they like and I can put stoppers into my ears  if this noise was interrupting me . 

I thought that in the  other flat in this house would be  quiet but perhaps it was located in some distance from my lovely neighbours but I was totally wrong because on other side I had take away bar opened till five or six am where they were playing music . Also it was one man living upstairs and he was so loud whenever he got drunk . 

I had distraction from all sides from down ,from back ,beyond and from above . 

It was my happy living in crazy Dublin 2 

However that great location , even though that i was so well organised and cool places for a fun were available such close ; I can't count all those good nights which i had in pub just across a road ,or despite that i had a good central heating , this consist noise and party life ,when I had go to work in the morning began be too difficult to bear with . I decided quit that place and find a new one . So as You see fact that You have place for Your own doesn't guaranty living in peace if You have a nasty neighbourhood 

You need to know that find a good accommodation in city like Dublin in comprehensive and reasonable rate of rent is like find a partner . Who knows what is more difficult . 

And finally i got a mine sweet place . i think that i probably used all mine charming personality variety ,so  this man .who was looking after became just enchanted . I recall  this special feeling when I got a keys .I was so happy in fact i had  found it !

My  famous place .


This is a special area in Rathmines . Is closed ,perhaps that's square . For this reason everybody knows well each other and all are my customers because my shop is the nearest from this place . All buildings are originally from XIX century . There are also tennis  courts and bowling club ,what completing unique atmosphere of this place . Its tradition ,that they are organizing picnic in summer time . I have been living happily for a three and half years over there . Well . Maybe only Tom who was living upstairs annoyed me with His radio on till late . He was proving that i was making noise during my  late cooking time . 

Anyway this man ,who was managing this property fixed window for me and painted ,what he wasn't willing to do for  Red - Spanish  - Moroccan guy who lived downstairs . So I have got happy preferences so . 

Sadly this house went for sale . Despite how much I disliked this idea I had face this challenge . Housing became challenging from 2014. By 2023 situation just got worst . 

It was second of January 2015 . Notice from landlord asking me leave in three months hit me massively , I exactly understood situation . Happy relatively accommodation passed away . This society began change in not positive ways . It made me stressed up for another six months . Where do I gonna live now ?Who will help me move on my stuff . 

Uff . For what particular reason I would need all these things . And for what sake I left Clonmel ?

This questioning returned again . 

But I had a major problem at that time . 

I just lost my mind . Moving for sharing after many years of independency seemed like a nightmare .

Wherever I went to see potential room for me it looked disaster . It is not easy move in with students .Anywhere I went to have a look at something in realistic  rate  it was usually a long list of others also interested in living there . Casting like to Hollywood movie. what was so insulting . 

Where I would move my stuff? I saw  adopted monastery . It was too much . 

How I would move from independent place to living in  community. What I was suppose to do with my non stich saucepans? How to keep them in communal kitchen? 

I didn't have any idea where to find my new home. 

Three months went and I still haven't clue where I would move out. 

Leen-friendly Irish -Lithuanian journalist offered me roof over head but I didn't like choose this option  even if His cat would not bother me . 

Dorothy who was my English teacher decided offer Her house to Syrian refugees. .I have found myself in the middle of drama. 

Aideen who was managing that house promised me don't throw on the street . So I would stay for another three months .

Some day my acquaintance from poetry meetings which I organized called me  ''Hey let's meet up. It's something to talk about '' .

,,Well .Ok '' 

She was looking for room too . Her landlord rose  rent. She could not afford to pay this amount .So we began seek something for sharing . Uff. Sharing again . No hurray . But when You need switch off for emergency mode this is an only option. 

 It began be irritating . Lucy didn't like approve that what we were seeing . 

I felt so exhausted .

And then miracle happened .

I made appointment with Lucy's landlord . We got surprised . It was hard to believe in . I guess John understood our dramatic situation. So he let u move into one bed apartment . There we go , We had to share just one bed facility . Lucy wanted stay in daily room and sleep on the sofa bed . I got pretty good king size bed in bedroom . Only this bed and wardrobe were a bright side of this flat . Please don't ask me call it apartment. It was attic. After many years of living on the ground floor Lucy was delighted  live somewhere on the top .I just was devastated by this change . I just hardly adopted to these new circumstances. My privacy became limited. But at least I was able fit my things ,set tv and dvd player. This wardrobe  was specious enough . I even could give up some space for Lucy .

Day by day we settled our daily routine . That's what we had in common .I am the best flat mate type as I'm never in. This is kind of mechanism which I developed during  my childhood -the best form of defence -just escape -go out.

After a bit chat during a breakfast time I walked to work . Yes . When wasn't rainy .With this changeable weather aura is hard to predict . Even if You check in Google. Sometimes when I left home was rainy already so I was taking bus in that case .But often rain stopped just when I got a bus. In other days weather was fine so I went for a walk. However I would catch up shower on the Grafton  Street . I liked my walks . Just headsets on the ears an let's go and listen to the music. Kind of attraction .

I couldn't quit gym and zumba  . So I was moving on a lot that time . But what I concluded after a few years it was that I also didn't need worry about putting on weight , doesn't matter how much did I eat and also I haven't caught any infection . 

I definitely would notice some pros of living there . I could easier get airport when I was going away . 

But this area is not the best for living  . Likely I worked during weekends. Croke Park is so close  . Whenever we had events this area was becoming mad. Thousands were coming along and locals were trying trade whatever was possible.  I was so brave when I walked via Talbot Street after 10 pm .

Guys threw eggs on me when I walked from Parnell up to Summer Hill  I heard that's normal there. Who ever named this road Summer Hill? idea. 

Terribly one night I have noticed crowd around. Someone was killed in pub. Why people are so curious of anything bad? That is just human nature. We may watch it in news every evening. 

With Lucy we agreed for a one year . I have changed location after one and half year.

 One Lithuanian acquaintance who I knew from Off Licence offered  me room because her son was leaving for Hong Kong .

After negotiation we got a deal . So I returned to Rathmines .

I tried explain Lucy that it was  no problem with sharing that room . I just could not bear with that location. 

I will hod our evenings chats in my memory for always. 


Currently after almost ten years we don't see any chance for any improvement . Experts are not predicting that situation will get better soon. After another three and half years of sharing I have got my lucky deal This place didn't even gone on market.

As eviction is banned after pandemic time I pray for staying here for a longer . 

Where We all are meant to go ?

Should I emigrate again?

Another Crisis .


International Open House .


Possibility came along. How to organise my transfer to a new place has been something to figure out. My zumba instructor has been moving around so many times. I thought that she knows somebody with van .I have guessed correctly and two men arrived to help  me move my stuff including bed . I thought that it would be cool have double sofa bed in communism system style . I think it is a very good solution for studio flats in Dublin .

I don't have any idea where they have found it , Because I paid for I brought it to the new place .Single bed which Pati used for a few years didn't impress me at whole. John gave me mattress  protector behalf landlord but I said thanks .I had my own one. Guys had to break up my bed  into pieces to  get it into my room on the top of the house. Can You imagine this bravery . They were not afraid do this job and during pandemic let me sit together on the front seats in the car .Corridor with oldish, very used  carpet doesn't look well, I would notice shoes abandoned around flat's doors just from the time ,when I was visiting Patty before. Going up and down tired after a whole day may be annoying .Especially laundry is taking a long hours from a day . I often use a night time ,when I'm busy during days. 

What I like here is a view whenever I look out of the window.

Particularly sun sets in summer are such beautiful. 

We have fifteen flats here .All studios flats. Mostly singles are living in. Like all this area this home has international character .Residents came from a many parts of the World. Because in Ireland everything is possible. In one house may live  African and Muslim guy, Catholic Polish or Croatian girl and Lesbian couple with rainbowed doormat on their door .The meeting point is at the laundry on the back house . Normally that facility is extra paid but we have it included in rent. For this reason often is difficult to get free washing machine. Just night time is usually left for washing clothes .As Mada ,my zumba instructor said You need get used to anything if You want accommodation . What is so irritable form me that is when other tenants lave front door unlocked . What is a main thing in this place I have found peace of mind after my sharing experience in previous places. This is a lot of going up and down .particularly when I do laundry . But when the top is reached is no destruction because is nobody living above and whatever is going on down doesn't bother me. Even though  neighbours have  garden party .

What is however the most annoying thing around there that's a habit of unblocking a front door and leaving it opened. Just welcome   in international open house. Whenever I have tried talk about with other tenants they considered me as overexaggerated. Back to human needs pyramid accorded  to Maslow's theory safety is a cardinal one. 

In summary this is lovely community located almost in the heart  of Dublin city. Beyond convention all warks pretty well . Every  day I blessed God for this place . Sometimes more and in other times less happily at lest four years passed measured by clock on over the sink.

And then new ownership and notice shoot all of us like a thunders during stormy weather. We all got six months to move out . Where are we must to go ? Definitely no one from the lovely ghost agency doesn't care. They have renovation agreed .It's no any channel of communication settled .

So we have got six months to find new accommodation .perhaps they got idea to create brand new in the place where we are living for ages . The first reaction was shock typical in case of feeling grief .

I don't know how I was able to write anything . Action followed. I went trough many obstacles so I know how to mobilise energy during crisis. Job has to be done. What is an alternative . 

I started action immediately. I informed everyone who I know. I decided focus on solutions and I have found a few options .I pray that something must work out. But anyway trauma makes me feeling anxious .

However I must go on. My searching began .

The first trail was from recommendation one our charity group member. Polish lads and cats were looking for somebody to fill double room ;nice, quiet ,specious apartment close to Dun Laoghaire . Unfortunately You must turn before that place and go quite far from. Swapping buses didn't t seem like a nice perspective, so I decided quit .I wasn't prepare to move out that time and I'm still not ready yet to do it so .I don't like idea about pre-letting by somebody who is not owner. 

It was ,,Thank You'' from me . 

I just started a game. By the time passing It's more exciting .I'm getting more resist.

I don't want cry over new rooms possibility lost over and over again.

No here. Alright . No bother . Next please .It makes me so curious . What will happen next ? How it's going be ended ?Where do I wonna live from November? Where we all will go? 

Or maybe something is going change here. This is such typical symptom of grief. Is taking a time to accept lose. How they can throw us on the street after many years of living here ? We have formed small community .

And all this doesn't matter perhaps our rents are under market rate. Basically there are not affordable studio flats on the market . Sharing is kind of problematic; suitable for a young professionals but difficult to accept in mature age. 

Any room in a good, central location and reasonable rent rate goes out immediately .They even don't respond on email in the most cases . If You are likely invited for a room viewing, You need to acknowledge ,that this is competition and another views are arranged . Secret of successful hunt is  to go from seeing one place to another without losing enthusiasm .Let's change a perspective. It can be always useful .

After many years It is not easy try and try again .

But what is an alternative here.

You need to apply ,go there ,find out where all these places are located God bless Google Map .Is so much easier get there.

So my journey to the new place began.

I started from Polish lads and cats quiet home.

By the way .I'm pets and kids friendly person . It doesn't bother me.

But excuse me. Room only for vegetarian female that's enough .Or I I would pretend vegetarian. 

That cosy apartment is located so far .I wasn't prepared for moving out yet . 

The problem is that after three months I am not ready yet to leave here . Nobody is .We all are staying in. 

That lovely agency must to throw us . 

It's our place .We are living here so long. 

But moving on . Let's go for another changes .

Girl from zumba class announced room for rent in Tallagh .

Pretty nice . Maybe I will start go for zumba again .

Specious apartment , cool location very close to the square,65 bus and luas stop. But her ness came to Ireland ,so that option gone.

Another single room which I saw was perfectly located in Lesson Street . Such great location . What I liked the most that  aircoach stop was seriously nearby to reach . It would be handy if I liked go away.

Sweety room has been lovely prepared for a student , but not so suitable for mature woman like me .The bed has been putted on loft which was great because made this room more specious but I couldn't imagine myself climbing to get some sleep. It was so nice couple from Iran who was living there . 

They offered me coffee what just touched me a lot . We had an interesting chat. They did research for Trinity College.

All they requested it was a silence . But that place wasn't specious enough to have any privacy .

All these who came for viewing were thinking that ii was  a rent for a whole flat.

That time I emailed them to inform that however I wasn't interested in. 




Another possibility came in Crumlin. One Italian architect had  a room to offer .

Lovely arranged house where he works . 

it was about forty min walk . Really not so but at whole. 

When I came for viewing another guy was looking around .

I joked something about using a gun . I got a message after two days. 

It was beautiful explanation why not me . Go away .That 's all about.


In another time I went to gorgeous Dundrum .

Sweety girl showed me lovely house close to luas stop. I have fallen in love with the room immediately .

Specious wardrobe in my taste took my breath away . However she didn't contact afterword .

On the one sunny Sunday I was invited to see  en-suit room in Stillorgan.

It was working from home couple with dog.

For some reason they used cloth as bathroom for pet. 

Well. Never mind. This room was down with bathroom .So perfectly nothing would bother me there or I would no bother them .

She informed me that he chose another candidate . 

I was crying . 

From the time perspective I realised how it was irrational .So what? Can you imagine dealing with shit on the cloth during your cooking ?


I must to move on and go to the next . This is not a choice . 

Another room which I applied was family house on the North Circular Rd ,family house recently refreshed offered for professionals .That lady who was probably  one of owner recommended investigate green luas connection and said that these in the worst situation are going be preferable. Rooms were large so it was none sitting or dining area. Well I would accept that. Bathrooms represented very basic standard and non private .I also was doubting what about isolation and warmth during a winter. Typically for old buildings I could be cold . By the way so high rent to pay. Anyway I have sent my references she didn't respond.




Previously  I went almost to Santry .

Far away but bus is going directly .Actually we may enjoy Irish summer . Perhaps sister bought own house and is moving out they offered double bedroom for rent. This is a lovely area with big park and many places for sport activity and recreation .Under these weather circumstances all seems good. Although we had a nice conversation on the phone, when i met them personally I felt like I didn't touch them . I don't expect that they contact. me.



This man contacted me again a few months later. He offered another room for rent . I called him accidentally . Well .All gone again . 


I had so nice meeting with Louise, pharmacist who works in St. James Hospital .

I liked when she said about second job instead having a partner. But it is non  contact after at whole .

Unfortunately this room is gone to somebody else . But it was nice to chat with me.


Meantime my the best friend from the charity group called me about midnight to come for her boyfriend friends house  viewing . So far ,yes indeed so far but eventually is a bus connection ,so good . 

They decided change a climate and go to Spain for a year . He works on-line so why not. 

It is a big chance to resolve our problem and win-win option for everyone interested in .

We  have got possibility share gorgeous house together, what we see as a nice perspective and they can be sure that we take a good care for. Fingers crossed .

Otherwise it must be another doors to open and keys to the different place .


It starts again .

Well . We were trying kind of fix problems coming along this house. However it wasn't possible take that opportunity in three . These people like have a nice time in Spain for a renting here ,but it would be too much and not good contracts given as well .

I had got idea of finding somebody else for sharing . It would help share expenses. But we haven't got extra college for single room .Under these circumstances we quit . To be more specific I cut it off .

I haven't clue they are going feel offended ,but I need to be sure of my tenancy rights. 

So the game starts again . My new friend with a lovely dog is unconscious . It must be shocking for some individualists to experience total helpless after twenty years of being resident here .

And I had room agreed already . Let's think about it. The game is not over . Finding a room requires taking a massive action.

With help of AI daft all is going be alright .

I went to see another place already. i simply can't give up 


Happy End 


I guess .Maybe Hitchcock wrote scenario for my last two days. That what happened during would be a good material for a thriller. 

I have been invited by Rose -lovely property agent to Finglas . Oh Gosh . I may say . Whatever is close to Charlestown Shopping Centre is fine . There are still many bus routes in operation .

But excuse me .After  there is just 140 bus only going . She showed me a lovely room  on the ground based apartment for  sharing with three guys ;one chef ,who doesn't even cook at home ,another night worker and one more who is working from home and goes  a lots of time away .

She accepted me and landlord too . 

But like in the movie action turned in more happy way .










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